Leave the Mountain in Your Dust

Leave the Mountain in Your Dust! 
Deuteronomy 2:3 You have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward. 
Like the Israelites, sometimes we, even seasoned Christians can get stuck circling a mountain. Surprisingly it is usually a mountain that is intended for us to climb, or to be prayed over for God to cast into the sea. Instead of having faith to climb or pray, we chose to occupy our time, by creating a path around it, with our heavy footprints. 

It’s at the very spot we drop to our knees and make a new indention on our path, to seek God for His guidance, that we can hear His voice direct our new steps.

 I recently had my own mountain circling experience. I had become discouraged from having a major surgery that left me idle from moving forward spiritually and physically. I had been active for a few years on my fitness journey, and now the ideal of even being committed was a daily struggle. My spiritual journey was effected too! I was having a hard time staying focused on the Word, my prayers were weak and I could not hear God over the panting I was making from circling that mountain of fear. 

Finally God, spoke to this heart through my “on this day” from Facebook. 

Last year when I was very active on my fitness journey, I had signed up and ran my first 10k. I did not train and had no fear to face it. Without a thought, I signed myself up again this year, but I will need training and a revival to run this race that has been set before me. God has heard my prayers to have that mountain flatten. It is time to get up off my knees leave that mountain in my dust and make these feet useful by pressing on. This race is not about the run, but rather it’s about pressing on in God and regaining my spiritual and physical strength. It is about getting a new attitude and gaining peace as I allow God to continue transforming me into the vessel He has handpicked me to be. It is time to move away from that mountain of fear, and move toward the greater prize, Christ has for me, it is time to gain perseverance! 
Lord I am grateful that You, never give up on me and that You will not leave me idle, circling a mountain of fear and discouragement. I praise You, Lord for making this message for me loud and clear, I pray that it will be just the right encouragement someone else needs to move away from the mountain they are occupying to run after the blessings You have in store for their spiritual walk with Christ this new year, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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